0.9322 ha plot of land is for sale near the A1 (Kaunas-Vilnius) road, Krautuviu str.8, Vilnius. Ownership: Ownership. Together with the plot of land, an unregistered ~13 sq.m. m. warehouse
Draft contracts:
For more detailed information about land plot purchase-sale contract projects, please contact Sales Project Manager Lina Vaitkutė-Bačkovė, mobile +37061878503, email Mr. lina.backove@inreal.lt
Payment conditions:
The initial price of the plot is EUR 411,400 including VAT. The auction winner must sign the property purchase and sale agreement with the auction organizer no later than within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of announcement of the auction winner. This term can be extended by agreement of the parties. All costs related to the conclusion, approval and registration of the property purchase and sale agreement, notary fees, other costs of performing notarial actions and costs related to the verification of data in the state registers are paid by the winner of the auction (buyer of the property). The notary is chosen by the parties by mutual agreement.